Examples (Ex. 1 through 8):


Example 1

File: control-t.avi

Frame: No gesture synchronized, with table


Example 2

File: f37-g-t

Frame: gesture synched with frame 37, with gesture, with table


Example 3

File: f39-g-t

Frame: gesture synched with frame 39, with gesture, with table


Example 4

File: control-nt

Frame: No gesture synchronized, no table


Example 5

File: f29-g-t

Frame: gesture synched with frame 29, with gesture, with table


Example 6

File: f37-g-nt

Frame: gesture synched with frame 37, with gesture, no table


Example 7

File: f43-g-t

Frame: gesture synched with frame 43, with gesture, with table


Example 8

File: f33-g-nt

Frame: gesture synched with frame 33, with gesture, no table